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ACMA - Opening for Reckless Saints
Saturday   1/16/21   7:00 PM
Ft. Myers, Florida
Every year we start the ACMA concert “season” with Roy Schneider and Kim Mayfield, AKA, The Reckless Saints! This year is just a bit different in that our first ACMA concert of 2021 is a livestream. We hope you can join us virtually to start out ACMA concert season with a bang!
Roy Schneider and Kim Mayfield have been with the ACMA since the beginning…indeed, instrumental in all of this coming together. So it’s entirely fitting that they start us off in another year of music.
Opening musician Ray Cerbone is also a founding member of the ACMA. He was on the ground floor of the planning, and creating of the organization, and to this day gives tirelessly of his time and talent.
If you are new to these musicians check them out at and
We hope you can join us virtually for this donation based concert right here on the ACMA FB page.